Power Deficiency Estimation Problem
Power Deficiency Estimation Problem for Adaptive Under Frequency Load Shedding Scheme
An adaptive under frequency load shedding scheme is a strategy to remove the overload of the system according to the computed power deficiency. However, the inaccurate problem in estimating the power deficiency will make the scheme unable to shed the right amount of load.

Load shedding scheme with robust power deficiency estimation will able to shed the right amount of load and sustain the system stability. It is useful for the industry with most important loads
氏名 | 専攻 | 研究室 | 役職/学年 |
JAMRI MOHD SAIFUZAM | 数理工学専攻 | Control System Theor | 博士2回生 |
Yoshito Ohta | 数理工学専攻 | Control System Theor | 教授 |