Development of the data buffer holding time-series data across multiple applications


Cross-reference simulation refers to a computational model composed of multiple parallel simulation codes wherein, during the simulation process, some time-series data calculated by simulation code is referenced. In order to furnish an efficient and user-friendly methodology for conducting cross-reference simulation, a framework named CoToCoA (Code to Code Adapter) is currently in development. Through the utilization of CoToCoA, minimal modification to the simulation code is necessitated, and communication overhead is kept to a minimum. To enhance performance, a function featuring a specific data buffer has been devised to facilitate one-sided data communication among multiple simulation codes. The communication overhead associated with one-sided data communication is significantly lower than that of two-sided communication. The employment of a specific data buffer mitigates communication loss arising from one-sided communication and ensures that the calculation on one side of the data communication remains undisturbed by the other side. Consequently, the impact on workload balance is negligible.




氏名 コース 研究室 役職/学年
Jingde Zhou 通信情報システムコース 岩下・深沢研究室 博士2回生

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