Proposing a Simple Method of Creating Tsunami Evacuation Simulations: Aiming to Empower Residents for Feasible Measures


As the risk of huge earthquakes and tsunamis increases, the importance of promoting measures centered on evacuation in a community is growing. In the process of implementing tsunami evacuation, tsunami evacuation simulations are considered effective as a risk communication tool; however, due to the challenges in constructing the simulation environment, communities without continued involvement from experts are experiencing a lack of progress in utilizing simulations. Therefore, this paper proposed a simple method which enables residents to create community-scale tsunami evacuation simulations by residents themselves, aiming to support considering and implementing feasible tsunami evacuation countermeasures. Specifically, this research presented the method
that all steps required to build a tsunami evacuation simulation, such as creating an evacuation space model, creating an evacuee model, and integrating the results of a tsunami inundation simulation, can be executed on Scratch 3.0, a visual programming environment. The tsunami evacuation simulation prototype created according to the proposed method indicated that the evacuee model adhered to the constructed road network and reached its destination in accordance with specified evacuation parameters. In the simulation outputs, in cases of successful evacuations, the IDs and arrival times of the successfully evacuated individuals were recorded. In instances of unsuccessful evacuations, the locations and times at which individuals were engulfed by the tsunami were recorded as failures. Through this method, it is expected that local communities can better understand
the potential risks and voluntarily consider and implement feasible measures for tsunami evacuations that reflect local needs.




氏名 コース 研究室 役職/学年
中原邦博 社会情報学コース 畑山研究室 博士2回生